Tuesday, June 03, 2003


Ahh, there's nothing like being unemployed again in San Francisco. All those late nights, those late mornings, calling my working friends and harassing them mercilessly, it all makes it worthwhile. The last time those evil money grubbing swine laid me off, I had the time of my life. Summer 2001 was fun for everyone. But I was unemployed with a decent severance package and everything was going on.

Now days, things are different. Lost more people are unemployed (which means I have more friends to play with during the week) and there are significantly less jobs out there. But, lucky for me, I have been contracting for a while on the side, and sometimes that cash comes in. It sure helps a lot. Keeps the wolf form the door.

I used to wish unemployment for all my friends. It's a great time. Not everyone thinks so, especially those with kids or other financial responsibilities. But then again, my brother has two kids and he's having a pretty good time of it. He's spending more time with the kids, which they love, riding his motorcycle a lot more and generally making the best of it.

Being unemployed is a great time of self-discovery. You really get a lot of time to think about what you want to have in your life, what defines you as a person and what it is you want to actualize. I content that it is not just a time jumping from one job to another. Rather it is a great opportunity to throw off the shackles of everyday routine, responsibility and hustle to look in the world in a new way, to define yourself by what you like to do instead of what you do for a living.

So I plan to relax, enjoy and find out what’s not just out there, but in here (err, my head).


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