Monday, October 27, 2003

End of Natural Selection

Society only started to evolve the higer level of emotions when we had more and more surpluses. As we became more and more divorced from the daily struggle to survive, we were allowed to experience more and more different emotions.

The mammalian brain is the second highest level of mental evolution, just before the cerebral cortex. But what we learn as human being that are social animals is that evolution rewards a species for teamwork and consideration for a fellow beings. Generally, the most successful species are those that are compassionate.

Natural selection for human beings is dead with the advent of a civil society. Civility demands that we take care of those less fortunate, and allow those with defects to continue on their genetic lines. And excellent example, in the extreme, of natural selection being short circuited by human society is the Russian Royal family circa 1900. The reputed hemophiliacs would not survive in a more pure state of nature. But because of society, such inbred inadequacies are tolerated.

So what kind of selection exists now? Social selection? What characteristics will now be maximized in the super-technological sociteties in which we now lilve?

Perhaps it will be the mastery of the sound bite. Or perhaps it will be simply based on looks. Will social selection prepare the human race for the coming years? Should be interesting.


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