Monday, September 15, 2003


Part 3 - "Afterlife Style: What will you sense?"

From parts 1 and 2, we established that there is an afterlife and that dealing with it is up to the individual who dies. From a purely objective point of view of the individual, no religion can categorically claim to be the correct one and so religion is effectively sidelined as a guide to what to expect. But we can be certain of some things...

Well, Change is for certain:
For a while, I was really starting to fear death just because it is a massive amount of change to deal with. Death is probably about the same amount of change as birth. At birth you are totally disoriented as you don't know how to use your body, you're cold and in pain from the birth canal. Eventually you learn the difference between hot and cold, light and dark, paying and not paying your taxes.

The Senses:
Looking at the other end, death, once the soul is divorced from the body how will we sense the world, if we feel good or even how safe we are? In this world, we use our eyes to sense light, ears to sense sound, nose to sense minute particles in the air and so on. The 5 sensory organs are tools that we use to sense the world we live in.

The brain then takes these electrical signals sent by the sensory organs and turns them into information. Part of growing up is learning how to interpret these signals and make sense of them. When our soul no longer inhabits the body, what tools are we going to use to sense the world around us? What will we see light with? What will we smell flowers with? You get the idea.

The New Deal:
After living in this world, I certainly do not buy the idea that once we die and go to another world, our soul becomes some instantly capable being. It does make sense that the soul processes some amount of limited faculties, just like in this life, and we have to learn to use them again. Or perhaps we get new tools to learn how to use.

In Part 4, "Afterlife Style: What will you remember?" We'll think about what it may be like when your soul is divorced from your physical brain: the ultimate removable storage device. Coming Soon!


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