Tuesday, October 28, 2003


I was watching the hockey game the other night with a TiVo on the set. We got used to being able to run our own replays, dissect the goals, watch the calls by the refs.

The nicest thing was to be able to use the time that we saw watching replays to get ourselves behind on the game. And the bet thing about being behind on the game, was being able to speed up time through the commercials.

So in effect, having a TiVo means it's better not to be in real time, because real-time sucks. You have to deal with commericials and the vaugarities of the network schedule. It's better to live in the past, especially 20 minutes in the past. That way you can scoot through the awful commercials. Real-time is harsh (can one say, "Short brutish and nasty"?). In Real-time your at the mercy of the network commercials.

I wonder what Stephen Hawking would say about what TiVo does to our concept of time. I think I know what Einstein would say. Since space curves time and time tells space how to warp, TiVo would tell time to speed up through the Motor Oil ad and thus compresses from 10w30 to 15w40.

And it occurs to me that a lot of people love to live in the past. It's not just because they want to see commercial free NHL Canucks hockey, but because the past is more fun.Think about it, it's more safe, it's idealized and you're always right about it. They are right because they forget the awkward bits and actually have their own feelings about it. And you can't challenge someone's deep felt beliefs.

Am I saying it's wrong to live in the past? No. Especially if you can miss those pesky commercials and remember only the good bits about your childhood. Enjoy the past, just don't live in it too much.


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